Thursday, May 14, 2009

Caroline is coming!!

Caroline will officially be in Atlanta, tonight!!!! I cannot wait. She is coming for the weekend and we are going to be straight up Atlanta tourists. Especially since I haven't really gotten a chance to do the tourist thing. We will most likely go to the World of Coke, the Georgia Aquarium, botanical gardens, Castleberry Hill, Flip Burger Boutique, Flying Biscuit, Little 5-points, the High Museum, Virginia Highlands, and whatever else we can cram into 2 days. I'm planning on taking her to our seminar at school tomorrow night so she can get a little taste of what its like for me here. I'm mostly excited to have a friend from home in town since I don't get to see anyone from back in Texas very often

In other thoughts, this is my new current favorite blog: Awkward Family Photos

my favorite song lyrics of the day:

“What is it that you remember the most?
The weight of the words?
The smiles or the smoke?
Or is it the gentle words that were spoken
The things that were not said at all” –Christopher Jak

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