Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11.....8 years later

Every year when September 11 comes around, I never quite can wrap my head around the fact that it's been another year. I think I realize this fact more clearly on Sept. 11, maybe even more so than on birthdays or holidays. Last year on Sept. 11 I was actually in Atlanta visiting Portfolio Center and other schools trying to decide the next step in my life. It's funny to think that now here I sit, a student at Portfolio Center and already 3 quarters in.

This morning I remembered that I had an online blog/journal back on the week of Sept. 11, 2001, so I decided to go back and read what I wrote. It's interesting to think back to when I was a sophomore in high school and to realize how fast the last 8 years went by. Anyways, thought i'd post that old entry on here.

Remember, I was a little sophomore in high school, so it's quite funny to read how I wrote then. I think every year I remember the feeling of that day, and how even so far away in southeast Texas, how I somehow felt connected to the people affected by 9/11. I think it changed the whole outlook of every American. Anyways, I won't post where the blog is or the web address because all my other entries are pretty embarrassing. ha! anyways, here it is:

Friday, September 14th, 2001
ok, i haven't updated in here for awhile. I have been really really busy, and i was planning on not using this journal anymore, but so much stuff has happened that i just want to get it all out. as all of you know, this week has totally and completly sucked. its been one of the worsts weeks ever. Its just been one disaster after another, and i really am glad that its friday, but i don't think the end of the week will help most of the events that happened. The events on tuesday have really been bothering me and if i think about them too much, i scare myself. Theres just too much to think about. Something has really changed, and even though everything in our lives goes on as usual, i know that people are all thinking about the changes in the back of their minds. theres really no way around it. i read this story in language in which these men go back in time, and they change the slightest of the slightest detail in the past, and history was changed forever. thats how i feel about all this. it feels like we are somehow in another demension, and there is just something in the air that just isn't right. Its scary to think that about a week ago, none of us would be thinking about any of this. none of it would have even crossed our minds. When i think of war, i think of back when my parents were young, or before they were born, which is not realistic to me. this is so real and so close that it puts everything into reality. We will be telling our kids where we were, and when this happened. history books will write about this in bold writing. Everyone remembers where they were when they found out about princess diana dying, or about columbine highschool, or when the oklahoma bombing happened. all of us will remember this as one of those events. Its scary that we were living that day normally, and in some other country, someone was plotting against us. maybe planning for over a year. hating us so much that they would do something like this. I am not directly affected by these events except that i know things will never be the same again. I cannot imagine how the people who lost people in this disaster feel. they may never have complete answers as to why those people had to be the ones used for another country's pure hate for america. I can't comprehend how anyone in other countries could be celebrating all that we have lost this week. I have always felt safe in this country, and when i would think about being unsafe, i would refer to other countries located half a world away. but now, i don't know how safe i feel anymore. I wish we could go back and change what happened. it screwed up the whole atmosphere of the country. everyone is paranoid, and feeling unsafe. Evertone tries to move on and act normal, but its hard when the U.S. is invaded and attacked with our own planes, with our own people aboard being held captive. Every conversation ends up turning towards the subject. theres just too much to worry about now.

anyways, i have been stressing about volleyball and stuff, and then i think about how unimportant volleyball is compared to everything else going on in the world. Basically everything in this week has sucked.

anyways, hope everyone remembers to say a little prayer and gives thanks for their health and safety today, and for people still suffering from the events on that morning 8 years ago.

in other news, it's a mad rush until critique on tuesday night. Studio week is almost over! can't wait to be done with these classes!!

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