Friday, May 14, 2010

Blogging slacker

Gosh, I just looked at this and realized I haven't made a post since January. Which is pretty horrible since I've had a lot going on and wish I had been keeping track of everything I'm working on.  The last post was written at the beginning of my 5th quarter and I am now just over halfway through my 6th.

Last quarter was a pretty crazy ride. Design History continued to wreck my brain throughout the entire 11 weeks until the day of my critique. Designing that chair was pretty consuming, considering i rewrote my concept about a million times. I designed 3 wine bottles that ended up being made in NYC and sent to me before my critique. My book projects for design history and type 4 ended up turning out just how i liked them. And I almost went crazy building a teeny tiny model of my retail space for retail branding. Once I get some of my work shot I'll be sure to post pictures on here.

found this image on someone's Tumblr. Seems to be a pretty accurate assessment on Texan's views of the rest of the country.

I've been contemplating moving my blog over to Tumblr. Seems like a pretty smooth and easy interface and I could make posts easily from my iPhone. A lot of people I know have been making the leap so we'll see if I can figure out how to transfer all of my old posts.

anyways, this quarter I am in 5 classes. Message and Content, Event Branding, Bookmaking, Annual Reports and Fragrance Branding.

In Message and Content we are creating a guerilla marketing campaign, a map or infographic about something in our lives and a triptic poster series based on something from an issue of Good magazine. This is the 4th class I have taken with the instructor of this class so I am pretty used to her teaching style. Right now I am just trying to figure out and nail down my concepts and executions. For my mapping project I am considering doing a map of all of my jewelry so we'll see how that pans out.

Event Branding is a class taught by one of the designers from AIGA. He usually teaches environmental design but he is taking a quarter off to do the branding for Design Week which will be in October.  All of the design discipline associations in Atlanta are coming together to create a week of design-centered activities for members of the different associations so they can get to know each other and hopefully collaborate in the future. Our class is doing all the branding for the event: logos, colors, website, templates etc etc

Bookmaking is basically just a workshop but we spend wednesday afternoons learning different bookmaking techniques. Although tedious crafting skills are always quite frustrating to me (i.e. ENFP personality type haha) I actually really enjoy it. So far we've made 3 different types and we're starting on a third. only bummer is that someone at school threw away pieces we'd made for our books and left underneath bricks downstairs.

Annual Reports is another class I am taking with Hank who taught Design History. We're designing an entire annual report for a company we were assigned. I'm pretty excited about this project and probably will dedicate an entire post to the project soon

Fragrance Branding! In fragrance branding we are creating our own unique fragrance brand and scent and designing everything for it: Bottle, packaging, ads, logo etc etc. This class is on Friday mornings and considering the subject matter is an all girls class. It's a lot of fun to design something 3-dimensional and to see all of the creative concepts everyone has come up with. hopefully all of us will have our actual bottles produced by the end of the quarter

anyways, that's it for classes. We're in the swing of things and everything is starting to come together so should be a successful quarter. can't believe I'm getting so close to the end!


dkdisch said...

I like tumblr ok, but since they don't have the ability to leave comments (am i wrong about this?), I'm not willing to use it...

But I host my blog on my own server, so i have total control of my content... and it would take quite an amazing service to make a switch...

I'd suggest thinking ahead a little to when you have your website, (do you have one?) you may be making a change then too, so just think ahead about what you will be doing in the next 6 months before making a change!

dkdisch said...

it appears I've changed my mind since leaving this comment... actually since I wrote this, i decided to take a second look at tumblr as a replacement for my facebook blog import thing, and i decided it was worth trying for a bit...

i'll see ya there!

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