So with all of the Twilight madness going around, I thought I'd share some of the spoofs I've found or been shown recently. I read the first book and saw the first movie, and personally, I think they're vastly overrated and I didn't enjoy either of them. Granted, I may not be in the target audience bracket, so maybe I'm not supposed to like it. I thought it was very poorly written and the movies translate the stories even worse than they're written. I don't need to elaborate, I'll just leave it with I didn't enjoy the book or the movie so I don't understand what all the fuss is about.
However, I have seen some hilarious spoofs/parodies of the books/movies and I really enjoy them and thought I'd post a few here.

The first is an article from Entertainment Weekly that I found laugh-out-loud funny. You'll probably only understand it if you've read the first book, since it's written almost identical to the first few chapters, only sarcastic and cynical. haha
'Nightlight,' a 'Twilight' Parody:
Exclusive Excerpt | The 'Twilight' Saga |
(one of my favorite excerpts:)
'It was then that I saw him. He was sitting at a table all by himself, not even eating. He had an entire tray of baked potatoes in front of him and still he did not touch a single one. How could a human have his pick of baked potatoes and resist them all? Even odder, he hadn't noticed me, Belle Goose, future Academy Award winner.'
check out the full article here

The second is from a site called The Oatmeal, which uses comic style cartoons to illustrate their posts. They have an entire entry entitled, "How Twilight Works" explaining the series' phenomena. Check out the entry here
Lastly, is a video clip from Saturday Night Live when Taylor Swift hosted. She did a digital clip of a fictional movie called 'Firelight'. Check it out below:
I'll post more as I see them. Hope everyone is enjoying their weeks and is having fun preparing for Thanksgiving!
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