Well, It's been quite a while since I've posted anything. One reason is because of this addition in my life:
I got an iphone over the break, and it allows me to check a lot of things online which somewhat keeps me from turning on my computer as often and updating on here
Mostly my lack of blogging is a direct result from my overwhelming schedule this quarter. I'm already completely exhausted and all of my time is dedicated to schoolwork in order to stay on top of things!
Luckily, all of my classes have really great instructors and cover topics I really love, so at least all of the work is enjoyable. Only thing is there are only so many hours in a day and I'm having trouble finding time to do anything else!
This quarter I am taking Intro to Illustration, Logos, Packaging and Publications. Each one is really challenging but I think I will learn a ton these 11 weeks. I am definitely earning the break this time. Second quarter was a breeze compared to this! I'm only halfway through week 3 and I'm already over my head with things to work on!
The rest of my break was pretty relaxing so it's nice to be doing things again. I already can't believe it's already 3rd quarter. It's an all out marathon until critique