On thursday, in my cross cultural class, we had to present the personal brands we'd been working on for our final project. You could tell we all mildly slacked because we had so many other class deliverables to be working on, but it was still interesting to see the direction everyone took.
I named my brand Speek (because of my name) and said it is design that 'speaks' to a wide, youthful audience that wouldn't necessarily know much about design but that appreciates things that are new and different and new trends being set.
This is the logo i went with:
probably could have made a more interesting one, but I was pretty happy with the outcome for the time being. I went with a whole hippie/bohemian vibe and tried to exaggerate that aspect so it was pretty fun to present to the class. incense, oldies music, head scarves, rugs and bare feet on the floor, etc etc. all in all we the whole class probably could have done a better job on this project but it was still fun to think about none-the-less.
My friend Stewart sang a song he wrote as part of his presentation, and I love love love the words to it so I'm going to post them here, It's called Michigan Blue
These houses in rows
and it's all that we've chosen
to lay where we've fallen
the simple life
is a mannequin's strife,
it's just death that we're stalling
But for more,
there is no room for war,
but for now, i'm just asking how
With feathers furled
in the Michigan Blue
all I can think of is you
All of this pain
just from missing a train
do you think of us too?
But for more,
there is no room for war
But for now, I'm just asking how
hope he doesn't mind me stealing his song to post on my blog. i love how the words are woven together to paint a picture. I think my favorite books and song lyrics use the fewest words to create a one larger image. no unnecessary words but somehow the few chosen have such an impact. I am such a word addict...haha. word nerd
anyways, enough for now